The Jōmon Man (縄文人 Jōmonjin) is a primitive human who appears in Shigeru Mizuki's short manga The Legendary Kamoi. He appears in episode #67 of the 2018 anime.
In the Legendary Kamoi, the Jōmon Man is a tall hairy man, with a stout build, dark, shaggy hair, mustache and beard. His only article of clothing is a fur pelt that hangs from his left shoulder.
In the 2018 anime, the Jōmon Man's is relatively the same, being a tall hairy man, with tan skin, black, shaggy hair and beard, a pointy mustache, and a stout, but muscular build. His only piece of clothing is a brown fur pelt with a strap over his left shoulder.
The Legendary Kamoi[]
2018 Anime[]
- One of Gaki appeared in the 1985 anime somewhat resembles Jōmon Man in face.