GeGeGe no Kitarō Wiki

Jigoku's Ultimate Secret Art (地獄究極奥義 Jigoku Kyūkyoku Ōgi, lit. Hell's Ultimate Secret Art) is a power that originates from Jigoku.


This power was invented by Enma-Daiō and allows the user to utilize techniques originating from Japan's Eight Great Jigoku. To properly perform this power, the user must have the Jigoku Key and gain permission to use this power. After which they can unlock the key and perform one technique. However, if performed without permission the user will be unable to properly control the power and may cause destruction to their surroundings. They would then be punished in Jigoku for the misuse.[1] While the inventor does not need the key to use this power, it would be too dangerous and destructive.


Enma-Daiō's Techniques[]

Kitarō's Techniques[]


  • Riku Sanjō revealed in an interview for Otona-Anime that originally there were plans to have eight fundamental techniques based on the Eight Great Jigoku elements, such as the blood pond and freezing field, and a "special" technique using all powers from the 47 Yōkai Warriors that was not Rettō Seiha. But due to the sudden cancellation of the 2007 anime, the other techniques were not revealed.[2]


  1. GeGeGe no Kitarō (2007): Series 5 Episode 47
  2. Otona-Anime Vol.13. Asking on Riku Sanjō!


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