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Obake ga Ikuzo (おばけがイクゾー) is the ending theme of the 1985 anime of GeGeGe no Kitaro.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ
ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ
有るさ お前の家のそば
言うこと聞かない 悪い子は
夜中 迎えに 来るんだヨ
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ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ
おばけは 闇のなか
ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ
泣いてばかりの 弱い子は
夜中 むかえに 来るんだヨ
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ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ

ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ
ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ
外でともだち さがすのさ
おふろ はいらぬ クサイ子は
夜中 むかえに 来るんだヨ
ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ
ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ

ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ
おばけを 怒らすと
ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ
こわい顔して 家の窓
そっと開けては ねてるとこ
夜中 さらいに 来るんだヨ
ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ
ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ ヘエヘエヘエ
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Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh*
The haunted world is Na~
Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh
Near the house of thy is there being bad you do not hear that it says
I do come to pick the middle of the night

Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh
Haunted among the darkness
Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh
You have seen from the night sky
Yowaiko just crying
I do come to pick the middle of the night

* - Repeat three times

Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh
Haunted night - the rain
Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh
The friends find outside
Kusai-ko which is not entering the Bathing
I do come to pick the middle of the night

* - Repeat three times

Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh
If you provoke the ghost
Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh Heh-heh-heh
Window of the house with a scary face
Toko sleeping and opened softly
I do come to pick the middle of the night

* - Repeat three times



v  e
Opening Songs
Ending Songs
Character Song Collections