GeGeGe no Kitarō Wiki
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The original soundtrack (OST) for the GeGeGe no Kitarō (2018) anime that was released on December 19, 2018. This OST has a total of 36 tracks, including the adaptation's opening song and third ending. The following are the track names and the episodes/media they are used in.


1. Kitarō, Splitting the Darkness (鬼太郎、闇を裂く)

  • Track #2, Kitarō, Splitting the Darkness, is first revealed in the adaptation's first PV Trailer. In the series, it is used during combat scenes, and was first used during Kitarō's rematch with Kaminari in episode five.

2. Avant-Title/Opening Sequence (アバンタイトル)

  • Track #2, as the title suggests, is used during the opening sequence of every episode. Kitarō's signature phrase while the track plays is: "The world you see isn't all there is. There are things you can't see. See? In the darkness behind you..."

3. GeGeGe no Kitarō (TV Size) by Kiyoshi Hikawa 

  • Track #3 is the first opening of the sixth anime adaptation, and was included in the soundtrack.

4. Unseen World (見えない世界)

  • Track #4, Unseen World, is used in a variety of dark and eerie scenes. It was first used in episode two when Kitarō was recalling the fact that he had been shot with an arrow.

5. Subtitle (サブタイトル)
6. Yōkai Awoke (妖怪目覚める)
7. Kitarō is There (鬼太郎はそこにいる)

  • Track #7, Kitarō is There, is frequently used during leisurely scenes. It was first used during Kitarō's introductory appearance in episode one.

8. The Yōkai's Fury (妖怪の猛威)
9. Showdown! Yōkai vs. Kitarō (対決!妖怪対鬼太郎)
10. Quite Concerned (なんだか気になる)
11. The Known Nezumi-Otoko (ご存知ねずみ男)
12. To Soak in a Teacup Beath (茶碗風呂につかって)
13. The Deceased's Invitation (死者の招き
14. The One Who Prowls at Night (夜をさまよう者)
15. Lament (哀歌)
16. A Loved One (想い人)
17. The Mysterious Shadow (あやしの影)
18. Yōkai Beast (妖怪獣)
19. The Great Yōkai War (妖怪大戦)
20. Kitarō Departs for the Frontline (鬼太郎出陣)
21. To Remember a Friend (友を思えば)
22. The GeGeGe Forest (ゲゲゲの森)
23. Memories of the Yōka (妖花の記憶)
24. Yōkai Energy that Crosses the Sea (海を渡る妖気)
25. The Terrifying Prologue (恐怖の序章)
26. Western Yōkai Invasion (西洋妖怪襲来)
27. A Witch's Strenth (魔女の力)
28. Agnès's Fate (アニエスの宿命)
29. Backbeard (バックベアード)
30. Fierce Attack! Western Yōkai Army (猛攻!西洋妖怪軍団)
31. Yōkai Mortal Combat (妖怪との死闘)

  • Track #31, Yōkai Mortal Combat, is used throughout the series during combat scenes. It was first used during Kitarō's rematch with the Nobiagari in episode one

32. Yōkai Energy Gale (妖気の烈風)
33. Kitarō's Great Fierce Battle (鬼太郎大激闘)
34. To Look Up at the Rainbow (虹を見上げて)
35. They're Invisible, But There (TV Size) Song: Kiyoshi Hikawa (見えんけれども おるんだよ)(TVサイズ) 歌:氷川きよし
36. The Door to the Unseen World Opens (見えない世界の扉が開く)


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Opening Songs
Ending Songs
Character Song Collections