Yōkai Activity (妖気 Yōki, lit. Spooky Chi, meaning Yōkai Energy) is the term coined to name the energy presence of a Yōkai.
It is the energy presence that a Yōkai emits or leaves behind, where the residual energy signifies the Yōkai's involvement. It is alternatively known as Yōkai Energy (妖怪エネルギー Yōkai Enerugī) and is often co-used with Yōkai Power (妖力 Yōryoku) when to stand for Yōkai Energy.
Since the 1985 anime adaptation, direct usages of Yōkai energy as combat and supplementary means other than converting into different elements have increased, including Nezumi-Otoko, and various characters attained beam or energy wave attacks in the 2018 anime adaptation.
Powering Up:
Elemental Conversion:
Enhancing Strike Force:
Energy Shield
Body Hardening
Energy/Heat/Radiation Generation
Ability Sharing
Disrupting or Reversing Energy Currents
Similar Terms in the series[]
Shinriki (神力, Divine Power)
Reiki (霊気, Spirit Energy): It is an energy emitted by spirits of creatures. For example, Whale Graveyard seen in the 1996 anime adaptation is described to be filled with tremendous amount of reiki of whale spirits.
Reiso (霊素, Spirit Component): Medama-Oyaji is able to blow Reiso from his usually-unseen mouth beneath his "head".
Reiryoku (霊力 Spirit Energy/ Supernatural Power)
Shizen-Energy (自然エネルギー Energy from Nature)
Chō-Shizen-Energy (超自然エネルギー Supernatural Energy)
Aura (オーラ Ōra)
Maryoku (魔力 Magical Power)
Senriki (仙力 Sage Energy)
ChōNōryoku (超能力 Supernatural Power)
Jintsūriki (神通力 Divine Power/ Supernatural Power)
Hōriki (法力 Priest Power)
Dōriki (道力 Priest Power)
Neniki (念力 Supernatural Power from Will/Telekinesis)
Chōkankaku (超感覚, ESP)
Gūzen-Jikara (偶然力 Contingency-Calling Power)
Kikō (氣功 Chi Using Power)
Kaki (火気 Fire Aura/Fire Chi)
Kairiki (怪力 Supernatural Physical Strength)
Seitainai-Kakuhannō (生体内核反応 Seitainai-Kakuhannō)
ReiNōryoku (霊能力 , Spiritual Power):
The term Yōki is composed of Yōkai (妖怪) and Sign or Atmosphere (気配 Kehai) in Japanese.